To individuals who remember the bi-annual trips to the shoe store with our parents, dealing sneakers from the comfort of your may not appear to be the hot new home-business, but many people, including some still very young are learning buying and reselling sneakers is a quick path to cash.
Their fathers may have collected baseball cards, but the sons are now collecting sneakers. Entire web sites and blogs detail their collections, complete with pictures and announcements of sneaker release dates. For some, sneaker collecting is a love for fashion - the desire to own the hottest, brightest, and best. They may own the same pair of sneakers in a rainbow of colors. But for others, a sneaker is money well spent. Stacks and stacks of never worn or barely worn sneakers adorn their bedrooms and closets. While his dad checks stock quotes, the son checks resale values on the web.
Every day on online auction sites, sneaker clientele participate in hundreds and hundreds of sneaker auctions. There's big money to be made. A shoe that initially listed for 100 to 200 dollars can be easily is worth a few times that when it is part of a limited production run. Sneaker buyers are seeking the shoes that who else have and are going to pay top dollar for the rare sneaker. For sellers willing to brave long lines on sneaker release days, substandard big bucks.
So what does it take becoming a sneaker reseller? First, you'll want to match the ever changing stock of shoes. Sneaker buyers are fickle and will flock to the most recent shoe, so fortunately, sellers have to be right there with them, preferably one step ahead.
There might be dozens of different models of a sneaker. You should know which are the "hot" shoes and which are the "lame" shoes or else you'll have worthless shoes that nobody wants to buy. You have to account for the going rates for each sneaker so your prices are consistent with what sneaker buyers are prepared to pay. You'll need knowledge of the online auction process, which means you'll need to be at least a little computer literate. Lastly, it helps when you have as much of a love for sneakers as your buyers. Just know that, in order to make money, you will have to release those sneakers regardless how rare they are.
Their fathers may have collected baseball cards, but the sons are now collecting sneakers. Entire web sites and blogs detail their collections, complete with pictures and announcements of sneaker release dates. For some, sneaker collecting is a love for fashion - the desire to own the hottest, brightest, and best. They may own the same pair of sneakers in a rainbow of colors. But for others, a sneaker is money well spent. Stacks and stacks of never worn or barely worn sneakers adorn their bedrooms and closets. While his dad checks stock quotes, the son checks resale values on the web.
Every day on online auction sites, sneaker clientele participate in hundreds and hundreds of sneaker auctions. There's big money to be made. A shoe that initially listed for 100 to 200 dollars can be easily is worth a few times that when it is part of a limited production run. Sneaker buyers are seeking the shoes that who else have and are going to pay top dollar for the rare sneaker. For sellers willing to brave long lines on sneaker release days, substandard big bucks.
So what does it take becoming a sneaker reseller? First, you'll want to match the ever changing stock of shoes. Sneaker buyers are fickle and will flock to the most recent shoe, so fortunately, sellers have to be right there with them, preferably one step ahead.
There might be dozens of different models of a sneaker. You should know which are the "hot" shoes and which are the "lame" shoes or else you'll have worthless shoes that nobody wants to buy. You have to account for the going rates for each sneaker so your prices are consistent with what sneaker buyers are prepared to pay. You'll need knowledge of the online auction process, which means you'll need to be at least a little computer literate. Lastly, it helps when you have as much of a love for sneakers as your buyers. Just know that, in order to make money, you will have to release those sneakers regardless how rare they are.
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